DS4Windows is another great app that allows you to use DS4 Controller with your computer. Personally, I'm a big fan of the DS4 Controller and I really appreciate that I can use it on my computer with DS4Windows. We already have DS4 Tool but it doesn't work well with Windows 10. If you also want to use the DualShock 4 Controller on a Windows 10 PC, then you should try DS4Windows. Jays2Kings developed DS4Windows as a branch of DS4 Tool and you can find his work on GitHub.
In order for this to work, you need to have few things ready before proceeding with the DS4Windows installation.
When you launch DS4Windows for the first time, as in the following screenshot, it will ask you to pick a location where you want your DS4 Windows settings and profiles to be saved. While you can always pick a location wherever you like, we recommend you to select AppData since it is the default location. But if you want to use DS4Windows as a portable programme, then you can go with your preferred location.
After setting the DS4Windows Profiles location you will get the following screen. In this screen, it asks you to install the required driver software. This is very important, in order to get things running smoothly. First, you have to install the DS4 Driver. If you already have installed DS4 Tool, then you do not have to install it once again. After that, you can install the Xbox 360 driver. If you already have installed a 360 controller you can skip this step.
We've tested DS4Windows and it works flawlessly on Windows 10. Yet there is a minor issue which won't let you hide DS4. In order to fix this, you can try disabling Network List Service and restarting. You should try this workaround with caution as it may cause some problems to your Windows.
Let's see how to make hide DS4Windows function work in Windows 10.
Our sincere thanks to InhexSTER, Jays2Kings and Nefarius as well as all of the other people who spent their valuable time developing these utilities.